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Boss Of The Bedroom - PDF

Boss Of The Bedroom
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Sullivan)

Even though Tim and Nicole had always been competitive, he didn't mind it when her dedication to working out was greater than his, he was too busy appreciating the effect it was having on her already hot body! He loved that her breasts and ass were getting firmer, and her arms, legs and abs more ripped every day; though his male ego would not allow him to consider the possibility that she might actually be his physical superior. All that changed one night when Nicole looked so sexy that Tim ejaculated prematurely, so she decided she was going to complete her orgasm with or without his cooperation. Proving to her husband who was Boss of the Bedroom once an for all! Awesome story by Jack Straw, with artwork by first-time AC artist Sullivan!

Tim Nicole competitive dedication working out hot body breasts ass firmer arms legs abs ripped male ego physical superior sexy ejaculated prematurely orgasm cooperation Boss of the Bedroom Jack Straw artwork Sullivan

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